Safe and scalable digital access for Californians

A digital identity (ID) is a way to prove who you are in the online world. A Digital ID is like a digital counterpart to your physical identification documents such as a passport or driver's license; it's an electronic proof of your identity that you can “present” online to prove who you are and that you are eligible to access information, services, and benefits.

The Digital ID Framework, managed by the California Department of Technology, ensures that everyone is held to the same high standards, better protecting your privacy, and helps you easily access more of California’s state programs and benefits by simplifying and streamlining eligibility verification across agencies.

About the Digital ID Framework

The California Department of Technology (CDT) is responsible for the development, implementation, administration, and management of the California Digital ID Framework. The Framework is a collection of data, technology infrastructure, digital services, and gover­nance that allows for secure, user-friendly use of digital IDs across California. It ensures that everyone is held to the same high standards, better protecting your privacy, and helps you easily access more of California’s state programs and benefits by simplifying and streamlining eligibility verification across agencies.

As per the authority of the State CIO and State CTIO, CDT is building both the technology supporting this framework as well as policy, guidance, and governance to empower other State departments to use it to enhance their own digital service offerings.

The Framework is built around common statewide technology and digital strategies, and founded on four key principles:

  • World-class security
  • Privacy-by-Design
  • Access, and Equity
  • Openness, and Transparency

Framework elements overview


As California implements the Digital ID Framework, state agencies and users can expect to start seeing the following improvements:

Easier access to all of California’s state benefits.
The Digital ID framework is designed to create universal access to state services for individuals in California using a single credential; your Digital ID. As a result, the Digital ID Framework will enable a system that minimizes the need to repeat verification processes for multiple programs.

Cheaper, more efficient identity and eligibility management for state agencies.
The Digital ID Framework helps ensure that resources invested at the state level by agencies like CDT will benefit all state agencies, reducing the individual cost and administrative burdens associated with verification and accelerating statewide modernization.

Increased security, privacy, and general minimization of sensitive data storage.
The Digital ID Framework will provide all state agencies access to standardized security and world class privacy protocols to protect sensitive information. By working across the spectrum of state agencies the Digital ID Framework facilitates a one-to-many model that increases access to more information sources while minimizing sensitive data storage.

How it works

Under the Digital ID Framework, and with the rollout of digital credentials and IDs, individuals in California and beyond will more easily access the different state services and benefits they are eligible for. The Digital ID framework, illustrated below, establishes and standardizes the roles and responsibilities of the different actors involved in digital verification (such as state agencies, identity providers, and individuals across the state), and incorporates technology that is produced or managed by the CDT.

The Digital ID framework

As is shown in this diagram, the California Identity Gateway is a central intermediary for interactions between Californians (J. Doe), state entities (DMV, State Parks, etc.), and identity or eligibility providers (, Calfresh, etc.). Under the Digital ID framework, applicants’ personal information can be securely shared with any number of state agencies, allowing applicants to receive eligibility-qualified benefits, services, and credentials more easily.

The numbered steps in the diagram demonstrate the hypothetical order of interactions that take place when an individual applies for a state service or benefit:

  1. J. Doe goes directly to the website of the agency administering the program they wish to participate in.
  2. The identity gateway retrieves the necessary information from identity and eligibility providers.
  3. The Identity Gateway forwards this information in a minimized form to the requesting agency.
  4. Following confirmation of eligibility,
    1. The agency can then provide the requested benefit to J. Doe with confidence that J.Doe meets the eligibility criteria.
    2. If necessary, the agency can also issue a digital credential to J.Doe’s mobile wallet, allowing J. Doe to present proof of verified enrollment to access services and benefits in the real world.